Revised and adopted by the membership of the OABC on May 10, 2023.
Adopted May 10, 2023 by the membership of the Olton Athletic Booster Club (OABC)
All Booster Clubs that are formed to support an OISD extracurricular activity must have bylaws that address all the topics listed in the UIL Guidelines. Please see this link for UIL Booster Club Guidelines: https://www.uiltexas.org/files/booster-guide.pdf
The name of this organization shall be the Olton Athletic Booster Club (Hereinafter referred to as the Booster Club).
The purpose of this organization shall be to advance Mustang & Fillie athletic activities of students served by the Olton Independent School District. The Booster Club shall be non-‐partisan and non-‐sectarian. It shall have no part in securing any public office for any person.
The Booster Club shall be a non-‐profit organization.
Membership is open to all interested persons desiring to support the above purposes of the organization. All members must submit to the Texas Education Agency, University Interscholastic League, and Olton ISD laws, constitution, regulations, and policies governing athletic competition and booster clubs. The Booster Club will not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, nationality, or ethnic origin.
The Board will consult with the School Administration to ensure all University Interscholastic League regulations are followed. All funds of the Booster Club shall be deposited timely to the credit of the Booster Club under such conditions and in such banks as shall be designated by the Executive Board. A minimum of two members of the Executive Board must sign each check. The Executive Board shall approve an annual budget of estimated income, income expense and capital expense in May of each year for the following year. All improved properties and equipment become property of the Olton ISD at the time they are completed or obtained. Reimbursements for expense to club members must be documented on a reimbursement form with proper approvals. Receipts must be attached.
The Executive Board shall consist of the Booster Club Officers. The officers of the Booster Club shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and reporter.
Typically, the president of a booster organization is an individual who has previously been active in the organization. The major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Preside at all meetings of the organization.
● Regularly meet with the designated campus representative (OISD Athletic Director) regarding booster activities.
● Regularly meet with the treasurer of the organization to review the organization’s position.
● Schedule annual audit of records or request an audit if the need should arise during the school year.
The vice-president acts as the president’s representative in his/her absence. They must remain familiar with the organization. The major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Preside at meetings in the absence or inability of the president to serve.
● Perform administrative functions delegated by the president.
The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the booster club and reporting to the membership. The secretary must ensure the accuracy of the meeting minutes and have a thorough knowledge of the organization’s procedures. The major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Report on any recommendations made by the executive board of the booster organization if such a governing board is defined.
● Maintain the records of the minutes and any standing committee rules, current membership, and committee listing.
● Record all business transacted at each meeting.
● Maintain records of attendance of each member.
The treasurer is the authorized custodian of the funds of the booster club. The treasurer receives and disburses all monies indicated in the budget or as authorized by action of the booster club. The major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Issue a receipt of monies received and deposit said amounts on a weekly basis.
● Present/Maintain a current financial report including bank statements, bank
reconciliations, and financial statements. Copies should be available for review by the board as requested or per monthly meeting.
● Maintain an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and disbursed.
● Reconcile all bank statements as received and resolve any discrepancies with the bank immediately.
● File sales tax reports as required by the State Comptroller’s office (quarterly).
● File annual IRS form 990 in a timely manner.
● Submit records to the audit committee (compiled of all board members minus the treasurer) upon request or at the end of the year.
Social Media Manager
The social media manager is responsible for the booster clubs facebook page, website, graphics, online store and other social aspects. The social media manager must ensure that all information is up to date with all current athletic information. The major duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
Update the facebook page with all current, accurate sports finals and information.
Update the OltonSports.com webpage with all current, accurate athletic information.
Will reconcile and file all online store information and keep an active inventory of all online orders sold.
Place all playoff shirt orders, hats, etc.
Will be available for all speaking events.
Elections of officers shall be by a simple majority vote of all members present and voting at a meeting held on or before May 1st of each calendar year. Any Officer vacancies occurring during the year may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining board. The term of officer shall be for as long as they are being re-elected and want the position. An officer may be removed from office in the same manner as a regular member. Only one member of an immediate family may serve on the Executive Board at the same time, unless prior approval is given by the Superintendent. Failure of an Executive Board member to attend more than 3 meetings in a calendar year may be just cause for removal from that position.
The Booster Club will meet at least monthly and at all other meetings called by the President. The annual meeting will be held within the month of May. All meetings are open to the general public. A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called by the President, or by a majority of the members of the Executive Board with at least 24 hour notice being given. Minutes of all meetings will be available upon request. Notice of Booster Club meetings will be posted on the OABC Facebook page. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be present at all meetings of the Booster Club.
The fiscal year will begin on June 1 and end on May 31st.
All Booster Club fundraising projects must receive written approval from the Olton ISD administration prior to any fundraising project. The Booster Club shall retain control over the initiation of the expenditures and the details of the project. The project must receive majority approval from the Executive Board before adoption and initiation as a club project.
The Olton ISD Athletic Director shall serve as Booster Club advisor. He/she may not have control or signature authority over Booster Club funds. The Executive Board shall direct all fund uses. Single item expenses that exceed $500, or the same item if aggregated over 3 months exceeds $500, shall be voted on by the club members in a regular/called meeting of the Booster Club. Funds must support school athletic activities and scholarships. Booster Club funds shall not be given to students. Funds shall not support athletic camps, clinics, private instruction or similar activity outside of school. All coach requests for Booster Club funds shall be submitted to the Athletic Director. Requests for funds will then be made by the Athletic Director to the Booster Club. The Booster Club can only recommend the use of funds to the School Administration and may not require the funds be used for a specific project. The local school district determines when, how and from whom student athletes can receive meals and snacks. See Section 441(b)(9), UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.
In all meetings of the Booster Club, the proceedings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. The order of meetings will be: Call to Order, Reading of the Minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Officer Reports, Committee Reports, Old Business, New Business, Athletic Department Report, and Adjournment.
In the event the Booster Club is dissolved, all funds collected by the Booster Club toward the promotion of education within the Olton ISD and not used toward that purpose shall be used to pay all debts and liabilities incurred by the Booster Club. Any remaining monies shall be donated to the Olton ISD and/or to charities qualifying for deduction under the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service and approved by majority vote of the Executive Board.
These by-‐laws may be changed at a meeting by a two-‐thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the meeting. Proposed changes will be emailed to the Booster Club members. Proposed changes will be discussed at a regular/called meeting of the Booster Club, with a vote taken at the next regular/called meeting.
Procedures developed by OABC treasurer during the 2023-‐24 school year.
Adopted at a meeting of the Booster Club on May 7, 2023.
Budget Preparation
The treasurer shall prepare the yearly budget for adoption by the club.
The treasurer shall prepare yearly financial statements showing a recap from the previous year and details regarding all income and expenditures.
Check Signatures
There will be 3 signatures on the signature card at the bank.
Two signatures will be required on each check.
Individuals may not sign checks written to themselves, their spouse or other family members.
All income received and turned in to the treasurer for deposit must be submitted with an Income Deposit Form showing the purpose of the deposit and totals for cash, check and coin. The form must be signed by the club member responsible for the deposit. The treasurer will accumulate deposit forms and make deposits. The Income Deposit Form will serve as a receipt of funds submitted to the treasurer.
The Treasurer will prepare and make all deposits in a timely manner as they are received. If income is greater than $250, daily deposits should be made.
Club income will always be turned into the treasurer or another officer with the accompanying Income Deposit Form. Income will not be dropped off and left unattended in a mailbox of an officer or placed in another designated area to be picked up later.
Fundraising Projects
Before a fundraiser is adopted, the Executive Board will submit a projected budget for the fundraiser detailing income over expenditures. This projected budget will be used as a basis for whether or not the fundraiser is approved.
The Treasurer will keep accurate records of transactions. These transactional records will break down the funds collected and for what purpose. Fundraising inventory, if applicable, will be maintained by the Executive Board.
If a startup bag is necessary for the fundraiser, it must be requested at least 3 days prior to the event by the Board Member in charge and returned to the treasurer at the conclusion of the event.
The in charge board member of the fundraiser will submit all expense reimbursements or vendor invoices to the club treasurer to be paid. If individual reimbursements exist outside of reimbursement to the board member, the Request for Check form must be reviewed and approved by the board member in addition to club officers.
Once the fundraiser is complete, the Treasurer will prepare a recap of the fundraiser listing income over expenditures.
Receipt books should be turned into the treasurer at the conclusion of each fundraising event and reconciled to cash submitted with the Income Deposit form.
All vendor invoices or expenses incurred with vendors should be submitted to the treasurer for proper payment and tracking.
Expenses will be paid based upon priority and the due date listed on the invoice.
Expenses to be paid must be accompanied by an invoice, along with receipts or some form of documentation requesting the expense must be paid. Supporting documentation must be maintained for all expenses.
Meal Per Diem
Student Tunnel Crew members will have a meal per diem of $10 a game.
Volunteer persons taking the tunnel or bell will have their gas paid for and a meal per diem of $15 a game.
Record Keeping
All deposits and expenditures shall be recorded to the proper chart of account for financial reporting and tracking.
The treasurer will maintain the Club’s chart of accounts and has the discretion to add additional account classifications as deemed necessary to classify income and expenses.
The treasurer will balance bank statements no less than 30 days after receiving the statement.
The treasurer shall prepare financial statements for each meeting showing the balance of the checkbook with all deposits and expenses since the previous meeting.
Expense reimbursements to club members or coaching staff shall be accomplished by filling out a Request for Check form and attaching all applicable receipts showing proof of expenditures. Request for Check forms must be verified and signed by an officer before being submitted to the treasurer for payment.
Seniors ONLY can receive a scholarship.
Students awarded club scholarships must show proof of a school enrollment before funds are distributed.
Individuals who have a conflict of interest shall not be allowed to vote. For example, senior parents would not be included on a scholarship voting/drawing since their child is a potential recipient of the monies.
Startup Cash
Startup cash should be requested by submitting a Request for Check form to the treasurer at least 3 business days prior to the event.
Startup cash will be the responsibility of the fundraising board member in charge and should be turned in to the treasurer immediately after the fundraiser is terminated.
Startup cash returned after a fundraiser will be submitted with an Income Deposit form.
Startup deposits shall not be co-‐mingled with other club deposits. If $200 was requested in a Request for Check form, then a $200 deposit should exist when the funds are returned. Having the transactions detailed with an Income Deposit form and Request for Check form allows for easier reconciliation of startup cash that can be matched to Bank Deposits.